Food Plating & Presentation

There’s an art in plating food; it’s where chefs can allow themselves to be creative and have a high impact on how guests perceive the dishes they’re eating. 

“The way you present your food is hyper-important…  “The more time you spend on how you present each dish, the more visual interest you can stimulate in folks.” 

“It’s important that you don’t separate the food trying to fill the plate—build from the bottom up,” he says.
If you could use a little structure, you can always purchase a ring mold to start with a base. Simply pack some food in the mold and gently lift it up. Now you have a base to build on.” 

* Cut meat horizontally

“Slice your meats on a 45-degree bias, and also slice against the grain of the meat for a more tender cut,” he says. “Show off that perfect medium-rare steak!” 

* Play with textures

“I like to play up contrasting textures on my plate,”  “Foams are usually really helpful in plating and can be really easily done, playing around with different sauces and textures.” 

 * Use contrasting colors

Tang also stresses the importance of playing with contrasting colors. She avoids artificial colors and uses matcha, powdered sugar, or natural colors to catch the eye instead.

* Match food presentation to your restaurant theme

* Choose the right plates

Using the right plate size, color, and style. The color of plate matters as the plate serves as the canvas for your food. 

* Use edible garnishes and decorations

Garnishes and decorations are a great way of styling your dish, but there are some guidelines you should follow when using them.

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